Simple Pharmacists’ Recommendations

04 Feb

Quality years is about trying to help your body maximise is function, maximise its processes that we depend on day in day out.

1- Start it all from beginning, vitamins eating right is life long habit.
2- Th echoices you make in you 20s, 30s will definitely have impact on your 60s & 70s.
3- B-complex is recommended as we get lesser B-12 when we age and we get less uptake it from out intestines as we get older. So its important that we get enough so that we can actually absord it.
4- Any adult over time will probably struggling bone density as we age our bones tend to get on the brittle side.
5. Vitamin-D is good for building our bones with calcium.So if we done enough calcium in our blood, our body will take our calcium from our bones, thats the start of osteoporosis, the weakening of bones.

(Osteoporosis (“porous bones”, from Greek: οστούν/ostoun meaning “bone” and πόρος/poros meaning “pore”) is a progressive bone disease that is characterized by a decrease in bone mass and density which can lead to an increased risk of fracture.)

6. Get down on your workouts so that those bones can get more dense.

7. The proper diet, exercise, reduce stress, vitamins/supplement intakes is part of process to achieve maximum output form our bodies.

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Posted by on February 4, 2014 in Lifestyle, Tips, Tips


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