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Anti-Aging Health


How to stay young and healthy daily

To stay young and healthy, it is important to take a balanced and responsible supply, while respecting a healthy lifestyle. Certain natural biological substances can also be of great help.

A balanced and responsible supply

Balance diet is the best tips to stay young and healthy. For food retains its beneficial effect on the body, please note basic tips below

1) Eat less. We generally eat too much, see too much. Reduce food intake is to reduce the rate of metabolic reactions,less process and less fatigue.

2) Take less sugars. We store little sugar in the body and, therefore, becomes any excess fat. Furthermore, a poorly regulated blood sugar induces the appearance of the metabolic syndrome.

3) Reduce your consumption of fat meat, cheese and butter. Though rich in omega 6 fatty acids, excess of those can cause inflammation, decrease blood flow and restrict the arteries. In addition, excess animal fat is one responsible for the appearance of the metabolic syndrome.


4) To offset the excess of omega 6, bring your body with a sufficient amount of omega 3 fatty acids, which we are often largely deficient. Rapeseed, soybean and nuts are rich. These omega 3 fatty acids have opposite effects than omega 6. They fight against inflammation, promote blood thinning and dilate the arteries. It is in fish oil that are the most active omega 3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA.

5) Take more vegetable protein . Meat and cheese, they are rich in protein bot also high in fats. In addition, animal proteins generate homocysteine​​, contirbutor to cardiovascular risk factor. So limit your intake of meat and cheese.

Vegetable proteins contain less methionine than meat and therefore generate less homocysteine​​, and, they do not contain saturated fats.

Beans and lentils are a good source of protein. Fermented soy as tofu, mixed vegetables is hihgly recommended.

6) Make fruits and vegetables based on your healthy diet.

They contain lots of fiber that facilitate transit, slows the absorption of fat and sugar, regulate hunger. Fruits and vegetables are important source of bio-absorbable mineral salts and trace elements. Preferable those that are organicly grow. This is because pesticides in non-organic farming has adverse effects on hormone.

7) What we drink is as important as what we eat because we are made up of 70% water. However, as we age, we tend to lose water. Proper hydration is a simple way to stay young. Drink water during and between meals.

A healthy lifestyle

To stay young and healthy, it is also important to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Best way, do regular physical activity. Our body is made to move. It is the movement that stimulates us, which keeps our muscles, strengthens our skeleton, accelerates blood flow and enhances our mood. Adopt regular physical activity, even moderate, is therefore essential to stay young and healthy. It allows:

– Fight against stress,
– Reduce cardiovascular risk
– Reduce the risk of osteoporosis,
– Reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome,
– Improving the quality of sleep.

30-60 minutes a day of practice is great. Choose an activity that you enjoy.

Walking is cheap activity and the most fun. Walking is also a time of reflection and beneficial for mental relaxation in mind. The physiological rhythm induce excellent anti-stress treatment and aids sleep.


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Posted by on January 31, 2014 in Beauty, Body, Tips


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